In the making of PHP coding, there are several Source Code Editor could be used espeacially free Source Code Editor:
BBEdit (Mac OS X)
Code Crusader IDE (Mac OS X, Linux)
Crimson Editor (Windows)
Emacs (Cross-platform, including Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
EmEditor (Windows)
IntelliJ IDEA built-in editor (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
ISPF/PDF Edit (IBM MVS Mainframe, TRSDOS, DOS, Unix, AIX, Linux, OS/2, and Windows)
jEdit (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
Kate/KDevelop (KDE)
ActiveState Komodo Edit
Lazarus built-in editor (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
Microsoft Visual Studio built-in editor (Windows)
NEdit (Linux, Unix, Mac OS X)
Notepad++ (Windows)
Programmer's Notepad text/source code editor (Windows)
PSPad (Windows)
SciTE (Windows, Linux)
SlickEdit (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
Source Insight (Windows)
SubEthaEdit (Mac OS X)
TextMate (Mac OS X)
UltraEdit (Windows)
UNA (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
vi/Vim (Cross-platform, including Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
I have tried using Notepad++ but it seems unstable in Vista environment.
I good comparison table for the editors are as follows: